image of a moon over a forest

Moonlit Knots

Hello there! We are the Moonlit Knots, a collection of people and beings(ie a 'system') who all share one body under the name Mooneye. Our name comes from a combination from the two main clusters in our system, the Moonlight Squad and the Frayed Knots~!

About The System


I get it, you're confused. What's a sytem? Where is this coming from? Well, allow me to explain. A system is when there are multiple people- or beings- sharing the same brain and body. I know, sounds weird, and I assure you it's weird for us too. We've sent you this carrd because we trust you to be kind about the weirdness.

Why did we decide to come out about this? Well, to put it quite simply, we got tired of pretending just one person is talking, and it's frustrating for those of us who had a hard time talking like the host.

What is a host? A host is the person who fronts, or controls the body, the most. Megara was the host until recently when they became overwhelmed by stress, so we are currently operating without a specific host. This is possible due to the fact we do not have 'amnesia barriers'- that is to say, we all remember exactly what is going on in front, so if someone switches out in the middle of doing something, there's no need to figure out what was going on; we already know.

Does this mean you're pursuing a DID/OSDD diagnosis? Not really. Our system isn't really disordered- we work very hard to be functional together and avoid causing the kind of conflicts that result in disorder. We're doing pretty well with communication between all of us right now and honestly, getting a diagnosis would put a label on us that others could use to hurt us due to the shitty state of mental health politics in america.

What's that "Prasiegenic" thing in your bio, where it says "origins"? Prasiegenic basically means "fuck you you don't get to know our origins". We use the label Prasiegenic because we don't feel like other people are entitled to know that information, and prefer to identify as an Adaptive system anyways.

Any other questions? Just ask us~!

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